Roman Sensations

The Roman Baths at Bath Spa, The Roman Baths, Abbey Church Yard, Stall Street, Bath, Somerset

The event is scheduled to take place as part of the "Museums at Night" initiative  on Saturday 19th May, from approx. 8.30 pm -11.00pm. The broad subject of the evening is "Roman Sensations" , based around 3 themes: Muses (music and literature), The Senses, and Appetite...  The Museum will be open until 11.00pm, allowing visitors the chance to experience the Bath's by torchlight. They will be offering food and wine tasting, the opportunity to dress up and be photographed in Roman clothing, the chance to try Roman perfumes, to listen to Roman poetry and storytelling, and to listen to my evocation of Roman music.   I will be providing live lyre music for the event - playing by the Great Baths, providing background ambience to the visitor's experience, and performing for an audience in a more intimate indoor space    I will also be providing an improvised "bardic accompaniment" to some storytelling and giving a talk about my music and instruments...